Game Jam Plus 21/22
Welcome to Game Jam Plus 2021!
Game Jam Plus is a non-profit collaborative movement that promotes the economy in the creative industry. We are a game development marathon and development accelerator that aims to turn games into business.
The 2021 edition of the game development world cup will have 4 categories:
Anjo Tintas Challenge: the brazilian brand Anjo Tintas sponsors this category in search for the best game that best speaks to the company’s goals and missions;
Education: category that award the best game focused on education, learning and educational content;
Diversity: category that elects that best game with a approach, reference or theme related to minorities such as women, black people, LGBTQIA+ public, PwD or other ethnic groups;
Technical categories: regular category divided into subcategories such as: Best Game Play, Best Art Direction, Game of the Year and many others.
How do I participate in Game Jam Plus?
Find your nearest headquarters and register at Eventbrite by clicking here or at the “Register” button, and wait for the confirmation email. Your local organization will reach you for further details.
In case you don’t have a team or are looking for member for your team:
- Get in touch with your local organizer for support or some dynamic for team formation before the event start, or even try to reach other participants that are looking for members;
- At the beginning of the jam, on October 8th, you can also find other participants that don't have a restricted team.
How does Game Jam Plus work?
Once the jam start, get to know more about the four stages of Game Jam Plus:
First Stage - Simultaneous jams in over 15 countries around the world.
When: October 8th to 10th
Following an already known game jam format, participants will have 48 hours to develop a game from scratch. After the development the game will be reviewed by a team of specialists. Besides, just as in a marketing action or a big company pitching process, you will have to create your own pitch for your game.
- The game builds must be uploaded at the jam page on by October 10th, at 11:59 pm (local time zone);
- The game pitch (5 minutes max.) must be delivered by October 12th, at 11:59 pm (local time zone);
- Each project must be delivered in a Google Forms with information about the game, the team, the headquarters, the game link and the pitch link;
- Attention! The game uploaded on does not guarantee your participation. The Google Form is also mandatory!
Second Stage - Online mentoring sessions with renowned professionals for areas such as: programming, marketing, business, art, sound and others. All professionals are currently on the international market and have a high expertise level.
When: November, December and January.
Third Stage - The First Stage finalists will compete at five different Region Finals. Only the best projects from each region will go on to the next stage.
When: March 2022.
Fourth Stage - The Big Final
This is where the finalists and organizers all meet in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) to define and celebrate the big Game Jam Plus winners. This stage will provide special moments of networking, experience exchange and, of course, lots of games!
Note: all expenses are the responsibility of the participants. Check with your local organizer if there is any sort of support.
When: June 30th, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
What do you win by attending Game Jam Plus?
Besides joining this amazing global competition and compete for all the prizes, you:
- Help to reinforce and strengthen the game development industry in Brazil and in the world;
- Win 50% access at our VIP workshops from the Second Stage;
- Get a official certificate for 60 hours (First Stage) and 120 hours (by Fourth Stage);
- Join our global community of developers and entrepreneurs, creating opportunities of professional growth through network, feedbacks on projects and special jobs opportunities in the international market.
Why pay for GJ+?
The strength of our movement comes from the power of collaboration (there are over 1000 volunteers around the world). We could expect the government or a private company to finance all the flying tickets and hosting expenses to the Big Final, but we believe that the individual citizen is the final transformation agent where they live. Therefore, we believe that participants that can financially* afford the tickets can actually strengthen our cause.
We always like to reiterate that 100% of the ticket incomes are reverted to helping finalists to travel and attend the finals.
*We are not trying to exclude anyone. If the ticket price is out of your reach, try to talk with your local organizer and check if you can join for free.